Mary Papastavrou

I am a Greek person living in London and near London for a long time. I have read Philosophy and Film Theory and Technologies. I was born mid May of an unspecified year (and this is not said for the sake of mystery but for the sake of the utmost pathetic vanity).
Before England creative life was about poetry, short story writing, TV and radio producing, satirical column writing, endless TV and radio interviews, stage acting, playwriting, puppet theatre. Coming to England I worked for the London Greek radio doing a late night show with a wonderful audience that kept me warm, but at the same time, due to financial need, I worked a string of colourful jobs. I recall one typical evening that after I finished my shift as a chambermaid I changed and ran to the London School of Economics in order to interview the Greek FInance Minister. Other jobs included railway station assistant and train dispatcher, admin for an Asylum Seekers hotel, supermarket girl etc. Soul destroying, granted, but they opened my eyes up into several realities and plateaux.
I continued at the same time writing but mainly scripts and I threw all my energies into film
making and guerilla shorties. I also wrote a play, going back to my stage roots and this is my
first novel, How To Sew Pieces of Cloud together. I kept the title because my partner liked it
a lot and following his suggestion my book appears next to books like Sew a Button like a Pro.